January 16, 2010
Day 17:
Yokwe. It was nice to get to sleep in today; all the way until 9:00 a.m. It’s a shame that I’ve been reduced to believing that sleeping until 9:00 a.m. is sleeping in. I felt great when I woke up though nonetheless. Around 10:00 I left the apartment and walked down to the resort. I was going to take a taxi but realized that I needed to quit being lazy and so I walked. I saw a couple of my students riding in the back of pickup trucks passing me along the way. When I got to the resort I ordered silver dollar pancakes, two sides of bacon and hash browns. After about an hour they only brought me one side of bacon but I didn’t complain because I didn’t have another hour that it would have taken for them to bring me more bacon. I skyped with the family first: Gramma, Moms, Cameron, Daddy Curt and Ra-Ra. They still haven’t figured out how to get the video to work so we just had an audio Skype date. It was really cool though, that I could use the screen sharing feature with them and show them all of the photos from the trip. Because the spotty internet service and the fact that no one in my family has a Facebook I haven’t been able to get photos to them. They marveled at the pictures that I had taken and after about forty minutes our call was over. It’s always good to hear from the fam, even if its only once a week. Gramma informed me that the check from Dartmouth Financial Aid finally came. Yeah Dartmouth gave me some money, enough to pay for not even half of my flight to even get here but I’m not bitter.
Next, I talked with Elani for about an hour until she left me for a dinner date that she had forgotten about. Next, Edie and I walked up to the grocery store to pick up some things. I needed to get some shampoo and conditioner and some other small things that I enjoy having around: more Jimmy Dean’s sausage, oatmeal cream pies, Gatorade powder and orange soda. After that we walked up to pick up Edie and Anna’s laundry but it wasn’t done drying yet so we took a taxi back to the apartment. I ended up falling asleep on the small couch because Eric was passed out on the larger one. Eric woke up and fixed us dinner. He had fried some rice and then he also sautéed some onions and shrimp together. For the veggies he had some cauliflower, or maybe even broccoli, I didn’t mess with all that. It was really good though.
After dinner we all piled into the living room and watched “I Love you, Man” which Ben picked up from the pirate movie store on the island. Derek was bashing the movie as being a stupid film before we started it. Edie, Eric, Anna, Ben and I decided to watch it anyway and boy are we glad that we did. IT WAS HILARIOUS!!! We laughed out loud all the way through the movie, and although he claimed not to enjoy it, Derek enjoyed it too. He was cleaning and reorganizing the kitchen while we were watching it but I watched his reflection in the window and I saw him laugh several times as he looked over the counter at the movie screen. After that, it was still pretty early so we decided to watch some Seinfeld. Despite my since developed disgust for Michael Richards, I watched the two Seinfeld episodes that were on. The first was the “Jerk Store” episode when George eats too much shrimp during a meeting and gets made fun of by his boss and once he thinks of a good punch line to throw back at him, he finds ways to use it. I don’t remember the other one but shortly after it was over we all passed out.
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