Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19

January 18, 2010


Day 19:


            How does Monday come so soon? After our trip yesterday I forgot that I was here in Majuro for a reason. Today I started Unit 17 with the class which is the imperative sentence. I devised an activity in which the class would work in pairs to ask each other questions  I initiated the seating chart as well which they were all responsive to. Oh, did I mention Terri wasn’t there? Well she wasn’t. So I taught alone, which is fine, but after lunch they had no teacher. I wish there was more I could for them but my internship description prohibits me to do any more work than what I’m already doing.  Anyway, class went well, I got the kids to take notes which I collected. I’ll grade them tomorrow.

            The Internet is out at the high school for two or three days so I couldn’t log on today. Well, I did have about ten minutes left on my WiFi card so I logged on briefly but not long enough to do all that I need to do. I took a quick nap in the teacher’s lounge. It’s so weird because when I nap there I have to sleep sitting in a chair with my arms crossed and my head on my arms. It reminds me of fifth period astronomy in Mr. Popoff’s class junior year of high school so much it’s not even funny.

            Once I woke up from my nap I went to the library to help Robyn with her library reorganization project. After that I went to gospel choir where Malealupe had finally gotten his hands on some drums. He had a one piece bongo set and a large bass bongo as well. Eric and I were asked to do percussion for the choir and we gladly obliged. After Choir rehearsal I went back to the basketball court to get a little run in. John and I walked over together and met up with Rami and Eric, two wealthier Marshallese guys, who we played with all day. We didn’t lose all day and were only forced off the court when the storm came in and the winds were too strong to play with. Also it was getting pretty dark. After that I came back to the apartment and ate some fried cheese, fries and a potato based soup that Peter had prepared. It was great, and he made so much. I was full and he was offering me some about thirty minutes after we had finished eating. I was stuffed. After that we started the Mountains episode of Planet Earth and fell asleep. 

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